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CACHE is responsible for instituting and/or endowing three awards that recognize contributions to chemical engineering.

  • The Edgar CACHE Award is administered by ASEE and is presented for significant contributions in the development of computer aids for chemical engineering education.
  • The Himmelblau Award is administered by the AIChE CAST division and recognizes a contribution to computer-based chemical engineering education made within the past decade.
  • The Evans Award is an Institute-level award of the AIChE recognizing lifetime achievement in chemical engineering practice.

We encourage the community to nominate worthy individuals for each of these awards. Award criteria, deadlines, previous awardees, and other details may be found by following the links above.

Current Awardees

photo of Rafiqul Gani

Rafiqul Gani
(PSE for Speed)

2022 Thomas and Donna Edgar CACHE Award for Excellence in Computing in Chemical Engineering Education


Fani Boukouvala, Martha Grover, Andrew Medford, Carson Meredith, and David Sholl
(Georgia Institute of Technology)

2024 David Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-Based Chemical Engineering Education

photo of Jack Dever

Jack Dever
(AVN Corporation)

2023 Lawrence B. Evans Award in Chemical Engineering Practice


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CACHE Corporation
P.O. Box 126
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: (574) 631-5687

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