In 2019, CACHE initiated a new pilot program that seeks to fund 12-month long projects (maximum budget of $5000 per project) that focus on the development of novel computational-based educational modules or tools.
More info is available here: link
CACHE (in particular, Robert Hesketh and Martha Grover) conducted a survey in 2019 on computing in chemical engineering education and industry. Previous surveys were conducted by CACHE of chemical engineers working in industry in 1997 and 2003. For the 2019 survey CACHE surveyed both chemical engineers in industry and what faculty were teaching at universities. The purpose of the survey was to determine current computing needs for industry and academia. A secondary purpose was to compare the findings relative to the previous surveys, although because the survey questions were updated, a direct comparison was not possible for all questions. A summary of the results of the 2019 survey are available as a presentation at the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting (LINK) and an ASEE 2020 paper (LINK).
Etomica ( is a Java API and development environment for construction and implementation of molecular simulations. The API is a set of classes that can be employed to construct a molecular simulation in Java. Simulations may be constructed with them by programming in Java with a text editor, or by using the Etomica development environment. The development environment provides a graphical user interface for constructing, running, and saving simulations based on the API. The Etomica environment also provides for dynamic modification and interrogation of the simulation, while it is in progress. Development of Etomica is performed with support from the ITR grant from the National Science Foundation and also a previous grant from the CACHE corporation. The principal investigator of Etomica is David Kofke.
cachet has been established to aid chemical engineering faculty candidates to find and fill positions in departments with faculty openings. The site provides two basic capabilities: 1) posting of faculty openings by chemical engineering departments and 2) posting of biographical information by candidates searching for faculty positions.
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