FOMMS 2024 The Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation (FOMMS - meeting will be held July 28 to August 1 at Snowbird Resort in Snowbird, UT (approximately 1 hour from Salt Lake City International Airport). Due to the pandemic, FOMMS 2024 will take place just 2 years after the prior meeting with a planned return to our usual triennial cycle in 2027. This will be the ninth FOMMS conference showcasing new developments and applications of computational quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, molecular simulation and theory, and continuum and engineering process simulation. The theme of the meeting is “Bridging Scales Through Multiscale Modeling”.
In addition, there will be an opening plenary lecture and the meeting will conclude with the traditional FOMMS Medal recipient. We are pleased to announce that Professor Sharon Glotzer of the University of Michigan was selected as the 2024 FOMMS Medal recipient. The meeting will also feature two poster sessions for contributed papers, hands-on workshops and engaging panel discussions on topics of interest to the FOMMS community. An optional outing can be taken by participants to enjoy the surroundings one afternoon. More information may be found at the conference website
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